
Called to be His Intercessory Prayer Warrior in these end times of Spiritual Warfare. I was lead to begin this blog and dedicated to Prayer and His Word, both Rhema and logos. The written and spoken Word that He wants me to write about. I am called to pray without ceasing 24/7 on call to pray, when He says pray, but, to always be in the attitude of prayer.

My Intercessory Prayer Warrior’s Journey!

Greetings everyone,

Welcome to this blog, I have started today. I have felt to begin one, for awhile now on about this subject that is close to my heart. It is who I am and what I do. I guess you saw the title of my blog and know a little of what I will be blogging about her

I will write about prayer and will actually write it down, as I am here praying those words. They will not come from my mind, but from my Spirit, as I pray to Him about many things. I will, also, listen to Him, as we all should do and not just say a prayer.

Taking time to listen to, what He has to say, is part of prayer. Prayer is not just a one way conversation, between us and God, but His conversation with us. He does not speak in a loud audible voice, although, that has spoken audible to many people.

He speaks in a still small voice many confuse, as our conscious. He speaks to our Spirit, when we ask Him to speak to us and take time to be still and listen.

We will know that we know He is saying or telling us something about what we just prayed about. Many times we don’t even need to say a word just pause to think about Him and He knows and hears the heart’s cry, friends.

He will answer us sometimes without us even asking Him about or for anything. He knows, what we need, even before we call, but tells us in His Word to call on Him in prayer and to wait on Him. “Be still and know that I am God” His Word tells us.

I was in the full time ministry years ago but, He recently told me that He is calling me to be a full time Intercessory Prayer Warrior in these end times. He said we are in intense times of Spiritual Warfare.

He has spoken to me through others, after telling them how I wake up praying at almost the same time hours apart during the night and wake up hearing myself praying.  A dear Christian friend and prayer warrior said this is what His Word calls “A watchman on the wall”.

It is not an easy calling, but is one that is without ceasing. It is like you’re on call, to pray, when needed. I want to always obey His call to prayer and He will give me supernatural strength and rest, for my body, as He has already been doing.

I am in my senior years and have been living for Him for over six decades and I give Him thanks. for a Godly Mother, who, took me to His house and gave me back to Him, when I was but a few days old. I thank God for my church heritage, where I continued and still continue to learn and walk in the ways of the Lord!

I am asking Him, by His Holy Spirit, to guide me and write this blog through me. I will give Him all the Glory, Honor and Praise, forever.

This blog will not be for or about me but, for and about Him. God bless you and speak to and minister to you, as you read and/or follow this blog.

Shalom, for now friends.

In His Love & Service,


Prayer Warrior E. M. Lair

PS: Shalom is Hebrew I use for greeting and closing meaning His Peace, wholeness. Nothing missing, nothing broken, having all good things, from the Father). Check back often to see, what He has me to share with you and pray for me, as I begin this blog.

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